Petition against EBAY Atrocities
The sellers just go out and kill more wild animals for their fetuses, penises, paws, teeth, claws, skulls and hides.  eBay is ENDORSING and PROMOTING animal cruelty and death, and law breaking.
Please sign the petitions and see the sample letters prepared to sellers, bidders, buyers, and eBay. 
 EBAY ATROCITIES (front page) - Do all these pictures sit well with you? (press release) to be used for the obvious reasons (OUR documented violations) - all recent, all serious, all illegal (oh ok, I forgot that I put just a FEW of the silly ones for fun.)  WHERE IS YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR??  How can you just ignore the majority of them?  How can you belittle the main point we are trying to make? makes it very easy for people to help (Action Center) very well organized and saves people time when trying to know what to do examples of some of the correspondence proving the work we are doing and documented proof (our petition and other people's petitions and message boards against eBay)
Animals and Wildlife Products (eBay's policies.........that they let everyone break)
/ (eBay in trouble all over the world) (other crimes conducted on eBay) (you can sell anything on eBay) This section is for fun (gee, can't a person have any fun?) These are OTHER people's web sites!! (numerous articles against eBay) (other auctions to consider) - this list will grow as we research - newsletter - sign up for our newsletter

Do you know about Animal Cruelty? Let them know about it too! - case info database

Additional Search Database - database

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.",
- Albert Einstein


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They do not necessarily express the views of this website, the Kitty Liberation Front, its founders or volunteers.    Although we endeavor to check,  we
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  Stories/articles that are found to be false are either removed or noted as false/Urban legend.  Credit for photography, editorials, etc provided wherever possible.

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