ANIMAL HUMOR and FUN E-ANIMAILS - circulating emails or passed on funny favorites about animals,  companions  pets  by our KLF friends. 
Over 70 links to funny animal humor and more to come!
This is also a place where you will find antidotes, and thought provoking stories, etc.

Contact us at
INFO@THEKITTYLIBERATIONFRONT.ORG and forward your favorites for inclusion.
 KLF tries to maintain originators permission and credit whenever possible.
Cats in a CD Store NEW
Baking Cookies With Your Cat  NEW
Cat Jokes
Cats Take Action
Why Cats Have an Attitude
Why Dogs Bite NEW IMAGES
Puppy Size  NEW
Family Dog
Dog Jokes
A Dog's Philosphy
A Man and His Dog
Dogs VS Cats   also includes  Dogs AND Cats
Excerpts from a Dog's  and a Cat's Diary NEW
Screen Cleaners NEW
A Spy Amongst Us.
The World According to Animals
The World According to Polar Bears  NEW
Friends are Important NEW
Be SAFE - Security Animal Style NEW
Animal's Mantra (a Way of Life)  NEW
Eating Right  NEW
Drink lots of water.. NEW
Get Plenty of Exercise NEW
Remember, moderation is the key...
Good Advice Not to Drink
Everything I know I learned from....
A Smile Will Make the Day Brighter
Hug and be Hugged Whenever You Can
Relax.. You earned it
Sleep...However You Can Get IT
Our Animal Companions
Why We Love Our Animal Companions NEW
Look Alikes NEW
What They Do While While We Are Away
In Good Company (Unusual Companions)
Health - Vets
Vet jokes
Medical Breakthrough
Domestic Livestock
Donkey / Mule  jokes
Two Horses
Wild Animals
Are You My Mommy? NEW
Albino White Tail Deer
Wacha Doin?
Hooters Calendar
Photoshop Fun
The following are wonderful uses of Photoshop.  KLF DOES NOT condone painting animals!
By Any Other Colo.
Easter Fun
All Dressed Up for Halloween
Short Quiz Are you a professional? Animal Trivia NEW
Supper Time NEW
Food Problems (informative AND funny) NEW
Ad:  "Free to a Good Home"  NEW
Collection of animal related jokes. 
Interesting Photography.
Cool Animal Art NEW
Creepy! NEW